Sunday, January 24, 2021

Who are you?

John 1:19-28…

The religious leaders sent delegates to question John the Baptist. He made it clear that he was not the Christ. He was not the physical Elijah, although John was Elijah in the spiritual sense. He was not the prophet that Moses said would come (Deuteronomy 18:15). The Jewish leaders had it wrong (John 7:40-43), Jesus was who Moses and John spoke about (Acts 3:22, 7:37). People who are against God’s will use God’s Word and twist it to their own understanding (1 Timothy 6:3-5 / 2 Peter 3:15-16).

Just as the religious leaders didn’t believe the Messiah when He came, they did not see His herald for who he was. It will be the same for you. People are going to attack the message, and they will attack the messenger. Jesus told us that this would be the case (Luke 6:22-23, 10:16). It has always been that way, from the book of Acts until even this very day. People will question the move of God by questioning the credentials of the messenger, especially when it involves a call to move them into repentance.

They will say, “Who are you to tell me?” No matter who you are there will come times when you witness to someone who is smarter than you, better educated, and so on and so forth. But that isn’t the point. You are the one with the spiritual truth, the eternal truth, the most important truth. You are the most important person they will ever meet, unless and until they meet Jesus in truth. Point the way to Jesus; you don’t think you’re perfect, it means you follow the one who is.

We ought not to be offensive in ourselves, but the message of the cross of Christ is offensive to the natural mind already (1 Corinthians 1:18, 2:14). No matter how passionate our approach, persuasive our arguments, biblical our admonishments, and loving our appeals are, if God does not open the eyes of the spiritually blind, they will not see.

Who are you? You’re God’s messenger, that’s who (2 Corinthians 5:20 / 1 Peter 3:15-16).

1 comment:

Even So... said...

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