Friday, January 15, 2021

The dream in motion

Matthew 2:13-18…

The birth of Jesus in your life is only the beginning. When God is on the move, the enemy turns from the veiled threats, and the opposition comes out in the open. The secret war of the soul isn’t so secret anymore. Christians know that the world (1 John 2:16), the flesh (1 Peter 2:11), and the devil (1 Peter 5:8), are at war with our souls, and they try and destroy our dreams for God. Still, when the battle becomes manifest, and the enemy rages about trying to destroy the dream by destroying other, lesser things around it, this is when the soldier must be ready for action.

The movement of God requires you at times to lose your life so that you may travel to the place where you begin to find it. It may involve new areas of preparation and protection. In any event, the season of downtime is for the good. The unfolding drama of the dream, Christ in you, takes many twists and turns. Jesus has to grow in your life.

Bad men with bad intentions are always part of the process. This is the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Opposition is to be expected (2 Timothy 3:12). Your hope and happiness must be in God, and yes, learning that can be a painful process. Your dream must not be dependent on what is happening to others. Yes, we must be compassionate, but letting the light of Christ fade from our focus does no one any good, for it is Christ who is the answer to the death of dreams, and Christ who is the light of eternal life. Having Christ with you is what matters, wherever He leads.

Moses was called out, Jesus was called out, and you are called out. Do you hear the call? Will you answer it with obedient action, even if it takes you out of the picture for a while?


Even So... said...

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MrsEvenSo... said...

More of you & less of me dear God Almighty!