Monday, January 11, 2021

Counting on Christ

Luke 2:1-7…

The hustle and bustle of our societal obligations can be the context of a providential move of God. When we think of the movement of God, we are often looking for the spectacular, something that will make the heathen stand up and notice, and to be honest, something that will keep us from looking ridiculous. However, this is not the usual manner of the Maestro.

After we are born again, Jesus may burst forth out of us at times and in places where He may not be immediately noticed. Jesus has a way of taking dirt and making it a testament to the divine (Genesis 2:7 / 2 Corinthians 4:7). His purpose is not pleasing to the world (James 4:4), but something manifest to the friends of the faith (1 John 2:16, 4:5-6).

Most of the world has no room for the King of Glory, they seek their own glory. They have no room for the Comforter, they seek their own comfort. Most have no real peace; they throw the Prince of Peace out the back door. Jesus left the glories of Heaven and became poor that we might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9), but it is another sort of riches altogether, and in a different place than that which the world seeks.

Be on the lookout: your greatest blessing may be out back.

Even the dirt poor can be filled with divine power.


MrsEvenSo... said...

I'd rather be dirt poor & spiritually rich than world rich & spiritually poor. :D

Anonymous said...

The world seeks their own comfort, it is no wonder there are so many suicides and so many emotionally destructive people.
I think that we as "Christians" fall into these categories from time to time when we forget where the comfort derives from.

Even So... said...

True that, Mrs.

Good point, Paul.