Monday, April 20, 2020

Dealing with Sinful Desires

When dealing with a sinful desire, you might wish that God would take the desire from you rather than having to fight the sin within you. It seems so hard, it takes so much effort, you fail so often, and you wonder why it is even necessary. But God has designed for you to grow in grace as you lean on him to help you fight. In this way you get to know God. You get to partner with him and see how he loves you in this fight, how he is for you against your sin. And you experience his work in you more intimately. You more fully experience the power of His Word and His Spirit. You can experience God’s people praying and working together to help mold each other into the image of Christ. And you learn not to play with sin, as you discover just how dangerous and damaging it is in your life, and how your sins affect other lives. Through this process, you mature, and your desires begin to change as you long for heaven.