Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Turkish Delights

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let this picture, taken by me on a recent visit to Frank Turk's (centuri0n) bookstore, do most of the talking. Notice the authors on the one side, Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer, and the authors on the other, John MacArthur and John Piper...also notice cent's eyes are trying to say something...indeed, we really should be paying more attention to what we spend our time reading...

As a bookseller must sell books to remain in business, Frank does have to stock certain books he might not actually agree with theologically at all, but he does draw T.D. Jakes, praise God! Also, I was delighted to see that he had moved the meaty stuff up front to a prominent section, and still more delighted to hear that the sales of such books had grown considerably, amen...

BTW Daniel, I did buy "Exegetical Fallacies" by D.A. Carson (as well as Carson's book on the Emerging Church and Mac's "The Truth War")...

Hey everybody, do us all a favor and pray for favor for the Kingdom Bound Bookstore and other God exalting stores to prosper and God exalting books to be read...and if you are ever in NW Arkansas, be sure to visit Frank there...he is delightful in person, as I have twice experienced now...

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©


donsands said...

"Your Best Life Now"?

That's got to be an excruciating book to read. And yet I know it's prolly on the New York Times Best.

Nice pic of Frank. Nice post. Didn't know that about Cent. I hope one day I do visit NW Arkansas, I'd love to visit.

Even So... said...

Yeah, Osteen's book has sold something like 3 million copies or more...his next book, out soon, is called "Become a Better You"...hmmm, I wonder how it is going to do...

If you ever go to visit cent, make sure you call first, he is a very busy man, and not at the store all the time...

Daniel said...

I am just happy you finally got Exegetical Fallacies. It is a good read, and deceptively slim.

Daniel said...

oh, and I sooooo envy you for getting to meet Frank in person. I think that would be quite fun.

JoyfullyHis said...

just out of curiosity, i have heard of td jakes, of course, but never read any books. what are the warnings against it?? and joyce meyer?

Even So... said...

Jakes is a modalist (he denies the Trinity, perhaps not in so many words, but they way he speaks of the Godhead is classic sabellianism) well, he is consistently man centered in approach, has word-faith teachings, and tortures scripture...see my sidebar for Jonathan Moorhead's link, he has some excellent articles on Jakes...

Meyer is word-faith, and although has some good practical stuff sometimes, there is way too much bad to recommend her, and I recommend against her because it isn't a case of eat the fruit spit the pits, in this case throw the baby out with the bathwater becasue there are cleaner babies with better water elsewhere, you can get just as good without all the bad somewhere else...