Monday, March 29, 2021

When crowds collide

Luke 7:11-17…

Think about this scene for a moment. Here we have two great crowds, going different places, for different reasons, but coming toward each other. One was a fervent crowd, the other a funeral crowd. The one crowd was following death, the other crowd was following Life. When they met in the middle, and Jesus proved to be the master of ceremonies, they all became one fearful crowd. The power of God starts the fearful parade. This fear is a sacred awe of God’s utter holiness. It involves respect and veneration in the presence of such absolute majesty.

When life and death collide…Jesus wins (Acts 2:22-24 / Revelation 1:18). We will all die (Hebrews 9:27), but the question is, do you feel free enough to truly live (John 11:21-26 / Hebrews 2:14-15)?

Don’t try and crowd Jesus out of your life, because Jesus is the ultimate in crowd control, and He will eventually separate everyone into the two groups of eternity (Matthew 25:31-46).

Who are you following? Which way is your crowd headed? Are you on a collision course with God, or with…?

My prayer for you is that if you are going the wrong way that Jesus will meet you in the middle, and take over your show.


Even So... said...

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MrsEvenSo... said...

My prayer for you is that if you are going the wrong way that Jesus will meet you in the middle, and take over your show.

Yes, Lord, let it be so.

Even So... said...

Amen indeed...