Friday, May 09, 2008

Little Things are Big Things

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.
(Song of Solomon 2:15 – ESV)

The little foxes spoil the vine – taking care of those little things means the vine is helped not hindered. Doing those things that seem little foster connection. Just a little extra goes a long way. How many relationships have we gone though the motions because we weren’t actually connected, or that we lost touch because we were losing touch, losing that connectedness? How many marriages has this happened to?

Being poured out is how you are connected. Now when I speak of being poured out I don’t mean you unload on everybody but you give of yourself, you don’t just go through the motions. The little extras show you care. Treating people like a number only makes them number.

Let me give an example where the men mess up, when they could really learn something from the ladies. There is a reason your wife takes so long to get a card for someone, because she wants it to be personal, not just generic. It is because it means something to her, and guys, if you think about it, give her something personal. She would rather have something you made that didn’t look or work all that good than something you just picked up at the last minute, as if it didn’t really matter. Anyone could do that, but only you can put you into a gift. They don’t want the card they want you, the effort not the resultant piece of paper. Not just a signature but also a sign, that the relationship means more than just a passive gesture.

They want passionate and genuine, that is what ignites the fires of fellowship in people, and with God. Just tithing, going to church, daily prayer, and all those otherwise good things can be done without a real heartfelt spirit. It can be done just to get it done, passive, not passionate, and your relationship grows stale. Think about it; you recognize when someone else is just going through the motions with you, why wouldn’t they, why wouldn’t God?

It would be like grandpa signing a card for the grandkids when grandma bought the card, got the gift, made the note and signed her name and all you do is sign too. If you really want to make an impact you should put something personal on the card, not just your signature. If not you are not giving something of your person, you are literally just signing off to her idea, you thought it good but you only added to it as a nod and not as she did. Oh, well that’s just grandma’s job, you might say. Oh really. It’s just a job, I see. Do better than that, give them something extra, because every little bit of sincerity counts. It is the same way with God; the little things are big things (Luke 16:10-12).

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©


Even So... said...

Guys, I have just learned this over the last few years, not trying to bust on ya'...

donsands said...

I could learn a lot from my wife, and do.
Good exhortation JD.

Affections can be less shown by some then others. I know I'm not mister affectionate, but my heart does have affections for the Lord, my wife, and children, and for His church. But there are times when I do just go through the motions, and I actually don't care for it when I find myself doing this. I shall continue to fight the good fight of faith, and pour myself out the best I can, and hopefully grow in His grace.