(Proverbs 28:9 – ESV)
Did you ever have a problem, a serious problem, and no matter how hard you prayed, God seemed to be turning a deaf ear to you? Perhaps it is because your prayers are not seasoned with soul food; you haven’t been in your Bible lately. However, if you have been in His Word, and your prayers aren’t getting answered with a “yes”, then there is some other thing, and this might not apply to you today. Be on guard about it, though, and be brutally honest with yourself about it. For the seasoned Christian, we most often sin in ways we don’t even realize (Psalm 19:12-14).
If you have been out of His Word, then you cannot hear His voice because your heart is so hard He could be shouting the answer, and you still wouldn’t hear. It isn’t that God is deaf it is that you are. You aren’t answering His call. It is like you have a phone call in to Him, but He was already on the other line trying to call you first. You can’t seem to get through to each other because you are on different lines. He called you first, click over to that line. He is always calling you to read His Word, to study it, to learn it, to do it. He cannot answer your prayer until you answer that call. We must continually be in His Word for that Word to be continually keeping our hearts soft, our eyes open, and our ears ready and able to hear.
If you stay out of His Word, you can’t pray out of your world. You dug yourself into that worldly pit without His Word, and now you must dig yourself out with His Word. Why should God deliver you right now when you failed to plant the seeds of deliverance back then? No, you must plant those seeds for there to be a harvest. How can His Word save you when it isn’t sown in your heart? If you had sown it long ago, but haven’t sown it recently, are your meager tears enough to water the seed and make it active again? Is that what you mean to do, to trust in your own sincerity when the chips are down? The less worth God’s Word has to you the less worth your prayers will have to God.
Friend, you need to work your soil and keep planting the seeds of God’s kingdom in your heart. You cannot do this on your own any old time you feel like it; you must remain diligent. Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty (Proverbs 28:19 – ESV). The reason you are in such spiritual poverty is that you have strayed from the house of God, from the Word of God, from the people of God.
Now true, godly spiritual poverty is where you remain broken and usable before God, where you may be bold because of finding your worth in Christ (Hebrews 4:16), at the same time understanding your utter poverty without Him. This is evidenced by reliance; continued reliance on Him. And this happens by staying in His Word, not straying from His Word (John 8:31-32). You see there is the spiritual poverty where someone has tended another garden, outside the will of God, outside the Word of God, outside the walls of God’s design, and the fruit is ripe to cause destruction in your life (Galatians 6:7-8).
It isn’t about mustering up a mustard seed when you pray. It isn’t about how much faith you have during the prayer; it is about how much faithfulness you have had before it. Not how obedient you have been to earn a prayer reward, no, we aren’t talking about a performance based prayer theology. But have you been spending time with Him in His Word at all, do you know His voice, today? Remember, He values your words as you value His.
“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

How true. The more we stay in his word the more we are in touch with him and the more we remain focused on the things of the Spirit.
Awesome and...........convicting.
Providential timing! I'm concerned that my prayer life has been slipping lately.
It is something we need to be reminded of because it is something we let slip so easily...
Very insightful and even more so vital, JD. Especially the last paragraph.
I was reading from 2 Corinthians chapter 6 (todays reading ) :) And read for the first time, (or maybe understood for the first time)
verse 10, always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
Not the same topic your were talking on but very much gives reason to continue in and on the topic you spoke about.
Just babbling on about my love for the Lord Jesus... See you Thursday?
I remember Donald Whitney saying, "What is most important, to listen to God or to talk to Him?"
Listening is our first and foremost duty.
Thanks JD for such a good teaching.
Very convicting, JD.
Even those of us who "labor in the Word" as a vocation have to be on guard for this...Pastors and teachers, your exegesis is not your personal bible time with God, it is your labor of love for your God and your flock...personal devotional time does lead to pastoral effect and study of a personal nature does make it into the pulpit, of course, but as I said, be on guard...
Ouch, my toes hurt...
"..Pastors and teachers, your exegesis is not your personal bible time with God, it is your labor of love for your God and your flock"
Hey JD, couldn't it be both? As you labor in the Word, the Holy Spirit is the same in both cases, No?
I guess I could be wrong. I'm not a pastor.
Yes Don, you are correct, as I was trying to explain as the comment continued...
personal devotional time does lead to pastoral effect and study of a personal nature does make it into the pulpit, of course, but as I said, be on guard...
Good of you to mention it again, however...I appreciate your perspective, not just here but on the other blogs we see each other at...blessings, friend...
It was only last week, while I was writing a friend, that I stated how I was learning that the quality of my prayer life seemed to be directly related to my daily bible reading; of course, I was learning this the hard way...
Thanks for the post.
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