Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Anger Epidemic

I want to talk to you about a contagious form of anger. And it’s being spread all over the world today. It’s when you’re angry at someone else’s anger. Or some group’s anger. Whatever they’re angry about, you think they’re wrong to be angry about it. And you get so angry at their anger that your heart just wants to beat the anger out of them. And you think you’re right to be angry, because they don’t deserve to be angry. 

Well, that sort of anger from you won’t help them, it will only make them feel justified in their anger, and spread their anger. And that sort of anger in you won’t help you, it will only eat you up inside. And poison your world.

James 1:20 says the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Don’t be angry at other people’s anger, be angry at your own anger. And stop the poison from spreading in your heart, and polluting your world. 

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

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