Monday, September 27, 2021

An unmistakable entrance

Matthew 24:23-28 / Mark 13:21-23…

Jesus had been describing a scenario with many troubles, set for the near future, and also with a more distant fulfillment. When these awful events take place, many will be looking for the appearance of Christ. Yet He would not be found in the places people were saying He was. There are always false messiahs lurking about and looking to lead people into destruction. This would be especially true around the times Jesus was talking about. 

These false people will be very popular because they will manifest power. Yet just because something is real doesn’t mean it is right (Deuteronomy 13:1-4). Just because something looks good doesn’t mean it is good (2 Corinthians 11:4, 13-15). You can have powerful experiences, but again, just because it is “real” doesn’t mean that it is “true”. Not everything that claims to be Christian actually is.

Anything that doesn’t line up with the Jesus of the Bible is a false Christ. Anything that lessens our esteem for Jesus as the omnipotent God who created all things, is eternally self-existent, and became flesh (fully God AND fully man), is not from God. Jesus must be portrayed as the only means of salvation. His centrality and supremacy must be at the forefront of anything that claims to be from God (Revelation 1:8).

See, I have told you beforehand. Many know the signs but don’t know the Savior. They will fall prey to a superstitious type of expectancy, and follow false Christ’s and false prophets. We even see it happening today. It will only increase. True believers won’t be deceived, but the problem is that many are deceived into thinking that they are true believers. A saving faith leads to a living faith. In the end, while there are many who know certain facts, they don’t live the faith, and they will not get away with it (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

When Christ comes it will be like lightning in the sky. You won’t miss it, just like you can’t miss the vultures circling around the dead meat. The coming of Christ to the earth won’t be a secret entrance, it will be very visible. The coming of Christ into a life is also not something that can be hidden. It will have manifest evidence. 

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