Sunday, July 18, 2021

Seeing is believing

John 9:35-41…

Jesus had taken the initiative to give this man physical sight (John 9:11). Now He would take the initiative to give him spiritual sight. The failure of the Pharisees and their religion was evident, as was the power of Jesus (John 9:30-33).

Do you believe in the Son of Man? The formerly blind man knew Jesus was God’s messenger, but now Jesus would reveal Himself as Messiah. This resulted in worship. The man who was blind could now see, both physically and spiritually.

For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind. Jesus came to save (John 3:17, 12:47), but in the process of His coming as the “Light of the world” (John 1:4, 8:12, 12:46), He exposed the sinfulness of men. Those who refuse the light remain in darkness.  There is no neutral position on the question of Jesus.

Are we also blind? The Pharisees thought of themselves as having spiritual vision. Jesus tells them that they are not lacking evidence of who He really is, but since they won’t receive it, they are indeed guilty of sin, and spiritually blind.   

People have enough evidence to turn from their sin and have faith in Christ. Yet most refuse to receive the Light. Because they think of themselves as capable judges of Jesus, they remain in spiritual darkness.  Their ideas of God are predicated on their own sinful predisposition.

If you go away just thinking that Jesus was a good man, or a prophet, or some ideal we can aspire to, without realizing who He really is, the Son of God and the Savior of the world, you are in grave danger. People think they can see clearly, but you cannot see what you are blind to. 

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