Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Secret no more

Matthew 27:57-61 / Mark 15:42-47 / Luke 23:50-56 / John 19:38-42…

In His burial, Jesus would be fulfilling prophecy. Even though He was counted as a criminal, He would be buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9). In facilitating this, Joseph of Arimathea, who, like Nicodemus, was a “secret disciple” of Jesus, was now out in the open and would soon be ousted from the religious elite. His love for his Lord compelled him out of hiding. 

Nicodemus was also “buried” that day. His old life was gone. His spiritual growth parallels that of many believers. As we see him developed in the scriptures, first he was being drawn, then he was being challenged, and finally, here, he was being bold. We can trace the grace in Nicodemus’ life, as he grows from curious (John 3:1-5) to courageous (John 7:32, 44-52) to crucified (John 19:38-42 / cf. Galatians 2:20, 6:14).

Nicodemus’ love for Christ grew, and he showed the most love for Jesus after He had died. He had received grace and was willing to give graciously even though he would be opening himself up to losing his means. Nicodemus was a prominent man but he was willing to take a risk, and then appear foolish to his peers, and then even to lose it all for the sake of Christ.

Having finally died to his old life, it is easy to imagine that Nicodemus was one of the 120 in the upper room, waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:15). His faith was out in the open, no longer a secret.

How about you? Are you still in the secret stage? Remember, if you are truly growing in grace, the secret will eventually get out. 

1 comment:

Moose said...

This post really helped me to gain a better look at the transformation of Nicodemus. Thanks!