Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The great submission

Matthew 28:18-20…

The fact is that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus (cf. Ephesians 1:20-22). And so yes, we are called to baptize, and to teach, in the midst of everyone, and everywhere (cf. Revelation 5:9, 7:9). We are to be discipled and to disciple others.  The problem is that while we want our fire insurance (avoiding hell) and our retirement plan (the joys of heaven) what we really don’t want is our marching orders. We take the command and turn it into an appeal.

What we must realize is that this is not so much a command to produce converts, but to proclaim Christ. You see, we don’t make people believe, we make disciples of those who do. The principle command here is to disciple, and that is done by baptizing the converts and teaching them. And yes, that necessitates going in the first place.

The unbeliever needs Jesus, of course, but the command is not based on their needs, but on the authority of Christ. The first disciples were to go to all the nations, because Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth, and not merely in Israel. Therefore His church today must also bring the Gospel and His commands throughout the world. But you don’t have to go to another country to fulfill this command. You just have to be about God’s business where you are, and wherever you go.

And making disciples is not just some classroom activity. Certainly instruction is necessary. However, our principle duty is not simply scholastic. You are helping to make disciples, you are teaching people by living as a disciple among others.  A disciple is a model, a person whose whole life is evidence of God’s grace. It is a worshipful witness, living for Christ, winning others to Christ, and edifying our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Disciples share their faith (talk). Disciples spread their faith (walk). Disciples will disciple others.  We must use words, yes, but discipleship is not words alone, but love in deed and truth (1 John 3:18 / James 2:15-16). Many have dynamite words but firecracker works.

Our commission is based on His position, and this commission is the test of your submission. 

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