Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Gospel Devotional: January 13

Matthew 2:1-12

Follow the leader…

When the move of God has people moving, the stir is enough to make the present monuments, traditions and tyrants in your life shake. The devil knows when God is on the move, and he sends his minions to excite, entice, and enrage those under his power. When the person in power feels threatened the people under that power are also troubled. The entrance of Christ into any situation draws the battle line.

We can and should get excited by the light of Christ shining into our lives to lead us to His presence. And yet this is where we find ourselves, not yet in the clear about things. At times we come under the influence of important people who may call us friend, but they are not leading you to God. Their aim is to deceive you into thinking they are also interested in your dream, but they only want to wipe it out because they feel threatened.

The Scriptures are your plumb line to the presence of God. You may be involved with or in some part of the wrong camp, and feel you are helpless, and constrained to do wrong, but if you will be obedient to where the Lord is leading, He will keep your path from leading to destruction.

You must be obedient to the vision (Philippians 3:13-17); follow the dream and you will find a way out. Don’t have fear like Herod but have faith like the wise men.

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©


Even So... said...

In the course of one year we will read
• Every Verse
• Every Passage
• Every Gospel

We welcome your comments. We are not looking to be copying and pasting previous material...we are coming at this with a fresh look, each day, and going with whatever we see. We can send you a copy of the reading can check for the commentary, or go to to leave a comment. God bless you as you join in the walk with us...

Anonymous said...

Horod should have learned Psalms 111 v10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!

MrsEvenSo... said...

Deception is subtle and destructive. It is vital to our walk with God to know who we follow and the direction they're headed. Praying all the while for Gods divine intervention Otherwise how can we be sure we're not aiding the wrong side.

Even So... said...

Once again, good comments...

God is the one we should fear, and then all other fears can be seen in the proper perspective (Matthew 10:28 / Hebrews 13:6).

The path is a progression which keeps from, or leads to, deception and destruction (Psalm 1:1-6)