Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yes HE Can!

And to the one who does not work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,
(Romans 4:5 – ESV)

People are always looking to follow someone, to find a message worth believing, a cause worth living and dying for. Well I am here to tell you today that we have the message the world needs to hear. The message everyone needs to heed. We have the message about the greatest love and of the greatest truth of all time. We have something that anyone and everyone wants. Our message is about truth, love, joy, and lasting peace, for time and for eternity. We have what everyone else is looking for. We have THE message, something money cannot buy, something effort cannot earn, and something unity cannot bring.

Now I don’t say these words lightly, I don’t want to engage in empty rhetoric. The message we bring isn’t steeped in empty rhetoric; it is breathed by a God given reality. Before we engage in rhetoric we need to be equipped with reality. So many voices in the world today, as in every previous day, are giving the false hopes of a false belief that we can indeed save our children, our world, our souls, and ourselves just by banding together around that very cause – the salvation of humanity by humanity.

The rally cry today is the same as it was back in years following the Flood of Noah’s day, at the tower of Babel (Genesis 11) – yes we can. However, all the power of the people is of no effect if the people have no power to change their own hearts. Despite all of the rhetoric the Bible tells us the reality of the situation. Can we change our hearts – no we can’t.

When words and actions are in conflict, it's always the actions that carry the day. For most, indeed for all, including me, their rhetoric doesn’t match their record. If you look to some person to save you, people will always let you down, including yourself. That is why we cannot look to our own experience, but we must look to God and His Word for assurance. All men have sinned; all have come short of the glory of God. They are not God, they do not have the purity, and even if they did, they do not have the power. They all must rely on other flawed persons, and no amount of flawed build up can lead to pure ends. Man cannot climb his way out of his own heart.

I am not going to give you my personal testimony, my experience is not the reason I am justified, but in my experience I live out the fact that I am. I won’t trumpet my own righteousness now or as compared to how I used to be before I knew Christ, no matter how far I have come or how far I will go, and I hope to go very far, it will mean nothing compared to Christ. It is Christ whose righteousness I depend on. It is through Christ that I have been declared righteous. It is because of Christ that I can claim to be justified. It is because of Christ that I have peace with God. It is because of Christ that I am changed and it is because of Christ that I have inherited a home in heaven. That rhetoric is based in reality and the record of Christ backs it all up.

I am not simply relying on rhetoric of my own making. I am not relying on a record I have achieved. I am not relying on some false hope. I am relying on the Word of God and on the record of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He doesn’t have to rely on anyone to achieve perfection, purity, and power, and we can rely on Him to save us. Can He do it? Yes He can.

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©


Even So... said...

This is the first in a series of posts derived from the sermon of 3-2-08 titled "Yes HE Can"...

Annette said...

yes, indeed he can! :)

Even So... said...

Jesus Christ:


Christopher Cohen said...

Yes.......He can!

donsands said...

It's so incredible that the name of Christ never becomes blase.

Thanks for magnifying His name here JD.

There's power in the name of Jesus Christ, when spoken by His servants in truth and compassion.

Satan falls like lightning, and all the "power of the enemy" is under our feet to be tread upon, when the mighty hand of Jesus Christ is upon His servants, and upon His Church.

There's a baptism to be baptized with at times, but the outcome is always for our good, and most of all God's glory.

Even So... said...

This series of 7 posts, derived from our sermon, Yes HE can! was first published March 5-14, 2008...we will be reposting them all over the next several days leading up to the election...feel free to leave more comments, and please listen to the sermon on, we have a link button to the right, and you can also listen or download from the newly redesigned site, which also has a button to the right...

Even So... said...

You might also find it edifying to read and/or download the pdf file "Obama the New Age Messiah?" post which is on the front page at

One Sheep's Voice said...

"They all must rely on other flawed persons, and no amount of flawed build up can lead to pure ends."

Such as the pure bread dog getting tied up with a common mix dog. Those puppies and there puppies and so on and so on will never be as pure as the original.

MrsEvenSo... said...

It is Christ whose righteousness I depend on. It is through Christ that I have been declared righteous. It is because of Christ that I can claim to be justified. It is because of Christ that I have peace with God. It is because of Christ that I am changed and it is because of Christ that I have inherited a home in heaven. That rhetoric is based in reality and the record of Christ backs it all up.

Jesus Christ! Yes He can!

Hallelujah! Amen!

Even So... said...

He is worth it...