Thursday, July 25, 2024

Proof of God

Do you want proof of God in your life? Your faith will soar when God changes you in that one area you thought would never change.

You might be self-sabotaging because you’re not happy. You need a change. Maybe you think, “I can’t change how I feel about things.” “I can’t change how I deal with things.” “This is just the way that I am.” But you’ll know God is real when he changes you. To be happy in him.

People say, “God loves you just the way you are.” But it’s more than that, because God loves you despite the way you are. And God loves you enough to change the way you are. For his glory, and for your good. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” God wants you to be happy. And he will prove it.  

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Healing Right Now

Is there something in your past, something you intentionally did, something you know was wrong, and you can’t seem to forget it? You’ve asked God to forgive you. But the thought of it won’t go away. What can you do?

You need to realize that forgiveness is immediate, but healing can take time. So, you believe that you’re forgiven. But you’re traumatized by torturous thoughts. And maybe you think God says you have to live with this pain. But the pain is so great that maybe you’ve self-harmed to disperse it, or self-medicated to avoid it. How can you find healing?

Well, it’s not about forgiving yourself. It’s about letting yourself be healed. There is more mercy and grace in Jesus than sin in you. By faith, you know that he forgives you. And by faith in him, you are on the path of healing. Give God your mind, and walk in that healing right now. 

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Suffering Well

Sometimes, when bad things happen, it isn’t your fault. Job suffered so many awful things, even though he was blameless. But his friends said he must have done something wrong. Still, he never accused God of doing wrong. And he said that even if God took his life, he would trust him.

You might think God has limited you because he’s angry with you.  But Jesus said that God prunes every branch that bears fruit, so it will bear more fruit. You don’t prune a plant to punish it, you prune a plant to grow it and show it. God trusted Job with suffering, and showed the world his faith.

Maybe your problems aren’t because God is making you an example of judgment. Maybe it’s because God is making you an example of faith. With this limitation or suffering, God is entrusting you with it, not punishing you with it. Suffering well is a witness to the worth of God.  

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Seeing the Glory

In 1812, 3-year-old Louis Braille was playing in his father’s shop. A tool slipped and plunged into his right eye. And he wound up completely blind. But when he was just 15, he invented a system of reading and writing that is still being used today, over two hundred years later. His system, known as braille, has been adapted for use in languages worldwide. His tragedy was used as a tool. His burden became a means of blessing.

2 Corinthians 4:7 says – But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are all broken, and vulnerable. But God can take your hurt, and use it to heal others. Still, Braille’s system wasn’t widely used until after his death. So, would you be willing for God to use you if no one else gives you the credit? The question is, whose glory do you want people to see? 

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©