Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Meaning of the Rainbow

When Noah came out of the Ark, God made a promise to never judge the world again with water. The rainbow is the sign of that promise. But the rainbow also points to another promise. A promise that when Jesus returns, God will judge the world again, and this time, by fire.

People have perverted the meaning of the rainbow. They fly the rainbow flag as a symbol of sexual pride, and libertine freedom, apart from God’s will. As if to say, “God doesn’t judge me.” But the rainbow isn’t a promise of no judgment, it is a sign of the coming judgment.

Every time you see those colors fly in defiance of God’s will, or as a symbol that God will not judge sin, you know that judgment is coming, as sure as Noah’s flood. Ironically, waving that flag doesn’t mean, “I am free.” It means, “I am under the judgment of God.” You need to wave the white flag of surrender to Jesus.  

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

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