Friday, July 07, 2023

You are an Example

You are an example to others. Everyone is a role model of some sort, whether they want to be or not. People are watching and learning from your example. Even if you’re absent. Think about that. Children learn by watching adults. And by watching other children their age and a little older. And just as children learn what you live, younger believers are learning how they should live by watching how you live, and what you do. Or don’t do.

Now, you may not want to be an example. Or you may not think you’re much of an example. And you may want to escape being an example. But you might as well embrace being an example. Because when you became a Christian, you became an example. You cannot escape it. And you cannot evade it, because absence and avoidance are still an example.

This isn’t about perfection; it is about direction. And even when you’ve taken steps back, you can be an example of how to take steps forward. Praise God, I don’t want to discourage you today, I want to encourage you today.

You are an example to others. And people learn from your example. What kind of values you have. What kind of goals you have. What kind of things you allow or don’t allow. What you do with your time. What you do with your money. What you do when things aren’t going right for you. People may not even realize that they are learning from others. But they are. 

Of course, there are all sorts of Christians on a spectrum of good and not as good examples. But you can improve. We should not only strive to be good role models, but strive to help others see and follow good role models. The New Testament teaches us to follow those who are teaching and living right (Philippians 3:17). You are leading people; where are you leading them?

What kind of example are you? Do people know that you know your Bible? Can they come to you for wisdom? You may be young in the faith, but are you growing? And if people follow you, will they grow? And when trials come, when things don’t go the way you wanted, when you’re tired and frustrated, when you suffer affliction, what do people see? Do you exhibit faith, perseverance, and joy in the Holy Spirit?

If not, why not? And what now?

Well, you can learn, you can grow, you can improve. And you can turn to God in repentance and faith. So that, even when you’re not really doing so well, you can show yourself to be a good example of how to get better. People need to see good examples of what repentance really looks like. To know how to get back up after falling down.

I pray that you and I will be faithful examples. And let’s put legs to our prayers. Whether it is in the world, on the job, at the school, or with the church, people are watching you. So, what you must do is watch Jesus. And as you do, you’ll walk with him. And you’ll be a good example. Amen. 

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

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