Thursday, May 13, 2021

At His feet

Matthew 15:29-31…

Jesus shows us His mission, to embody God’s compassion for the lost and broken as He ministers to their needs. He wants to bless them that they would in turn bless God. This was the pattern. Crowds come, bringing people who need a touch from Jesus. He heals them, the crowd wonders in awe at what they see and experience, and they all glorify God.

This is also our mission. No we don’t have that healing power, but we can bring people to the feet of Jesus in prayer. We can embody the grace and mercy of God through deeds done in the name of Christ. There will be times that we see Jesus heal the broken hearted, where we see Him touch the sick and see them recover, where we can feel His compassion for us and for others. This will bring us to the point of passion for the mission. There will be times where God will use us as His instrument and in turn people will glorify God (Matthew 5:16).

We can always come to Christ at the throne of God by prayer, of course (Hebrews 4:15-16). However, the Spirit of God makes the person of Jesus on the move in the earth as well. Therefore, if we will follow Him in our walk we will know where and in what sense He is moving, we will be at His feet. Then we will be able to know this mission experientially. To be at the feet of Jesus is our mission, and then we can fulfill our commission.

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