Friday, October 23, 2020

It’s for the best

John 16:5-15…

Jesus was looking to engage the disciples in a discussion about His departure. Earlier, they had asked Jesus about where He was going (John 13:36, 14:5). But now, knowing He is going, they become preoccupied with themselves and their sorrow. This caused them to overlook the advantages that would be brought about by Jesus’ departure, both for themselves and for the continuation of His mission.

Jesus had told them of the results of our union with Him, the provisions as well as the persecutions.  Now He once again instructs them about the Holy Spirit, who would be with them in all of these things.  When we are caught up in our own circumstance, we fail to focus on other people, and fail to realize that what may seem like the worst thing is often the best thing for us. The Holy Spirit was literally a God send.

The role of the Spirit in the world is conviction (vs.8-11). He convicts people of the sin of refusing the person of Jesus (John 14:6). He convicts people of their lack of righteousness compared to Jesus (Romans 3:23). He convicts people that evil has been judged, and will be cast out (John 12:31 / Colossians 2:15). When we witness of sin, righteousness, and judgment, the Holy Spirit will work in people’s hearts to convict of the message of Christ. 

The role of the Spirit in the believer is communication (vs.12-15). Christ said that the Spirit would not only bring all the former teachings of Jesus to their remembrance, but that He would also further reveal the truth about Jesus to the Apostles. The writings of the New Testament bear witness, the Scriptures are evidence of what Jesus was talking about (1 Corinthians 2:16).

For us today, the Spirit illuminates that written Word, and exalts Jesus Christ through our experience with that Word in living it out. The Spirit reveals the Son, who expresses the Father. God is communicating, but we must be tuned in to His frequency if we want to hear Him and to have others hear Him through us. We often miss the power because we ignore the provision. If you want to be filled with the Spirit you need to be filled with His Word.

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