Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daily Gospel Devotional: March 13

Matthew 6:1-4 …

Give your heart…

Why do you give? The simple answer is “to help out”. Yes, that’s good, but let me ask again, why do you give? You say, because I know we are supposed to. Yes, that’s true, but let me ask once again, why do you give? You say, because it is the golden rule (Matthew 7:12). Yes, we ought to give because that is what we would want if we were needy. Well, of course we are all needy, but allow me to ask again, why do you give? You say, because Jesus wants me to.

Alright then, those are all good reasons for giving to help the needy, and we can all give of our time, our talent and our treasure. But let me ask you, if the bottom line is that we are giving to magnify the name of Jesus, and we do this by helping the needy, blessing others, and spreading the gospel, then why would we want it known about how much we give, to whom, and all that? Are we trying to look good, when we are supposed to be making Him look good?

Giving in secret doesn’t mean you have to make sure no one ever finds out, it means your attitude is that it doesn’t matter if anyone else ever does. Those that need others to know how much they give are needy in a way they don’t realize, because for all their giving they haven’t given what is really needed for them, their heart.

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©


Even So... said...

In the course of one year we will read
• Every Verse
• Every Passage
• Every Gospel

We welcome your comments. We are not looking to be copying and pasting previous material...we are coming at this with a fresh look, each day, and going with whatever we see. We can send you a copy of the reading schedule ( You can check for each day’s reading, or go to to leave a comment. God bless you as you join in the walk with us...

Anonymous said...

But what if I actually want my reward now, he he...

MrsEvenSo... said...

You are wonderful......... and........ I love you!

Even So... said...

Well, my relationship with you IS very rewarding, dear...

MrsEvenSo... said...

And mine with you as well....