Monday, February 08, 2010

What about Tithing? (Pt.1- Radio / Podcast)

Listen to the audio or you might get the wrong idea. The New Testament teaches grace giving. We will first look at the concept of tithing as seen in the Old Testament, and then discuss how this relates to the New Testament, and what it teaches about giving and stewardship in general.

Genesis 14principle of thankfulness (vs.18-20)

• Abraham gives a tenth to the priest Melchizedek in light of the victory he had just experienced. Abraham is giving as a response to God. (cf. Hebrews 7:1-4)

• However, it is not suggested here or mentioned anywhere else that we are to give a tenth because of some victory.

• It is not mentioned anywhere at all that we give a tenth to stir God to give us a victory or to spur Him to some action on our behalf.

• Compare Abraham’s response to the King of Salem vs. the King of Sodom (vs.21-24)

• It is about a grateful heart for what God has already done, and in Christ, we have been given the blessing of Abraham, blessed with all spiritual blessings, etc…

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©


Even So... said...


Even So... said...

This was taken from a previous post from 4-13-09, but now includes the audio in our SermonAudio files, which has additional material in it...we will be doing this with many of our older posts, so that they can have the audio attached to them and be archived at SermonAudio...hope these are edifying and enjoyable for you...God bless...

Even So... said...

We will also be doing many brand new posts with new audio, mixing it up as we do new posts but also adding some of our older posts for the SermonAudio audience who may not visit this site...stay tuned, as we have 4 more posts on this subject yet to come...!