(1 Peter 5:8 – ESV)
It can be easy to over indulge ourselves during the holidays. Our eyes are filled with many delights as everyone we know is tempting us with tasty treats and mouthwatering morsels of fabulous food. It would seem as if we somehow develop an extra space in our stomach during certain times of the year.
Well Satan is on hells’ holiday until Judgment Day, and he has the most insatiable appetite, and an unquenchable thirst for destruction. The devil is wandering around, looking for fresh flesh to sink his teeth into.
However, we often don’t realize when our spiritual lives are being eaten alive. Believe me, you may think you aren’t being consumed by the enemy, but if your desires and deeds are not godly you are already in the enemy’s camp! You cannot stay in the cage with a hungry animal and not expect to have to defend yourself at some point.
Yes I know for sure that Christians can be oppressed by the devil, and obsessed with the world and their own sinful flesh. I want to encourage you that God can deliver you, and I exhort you to understand that you will never overcome the devil doing it your way. I know you’re battered, I know you’re weary, but that is because you are too often fighting in your own strength and with your own wisdom. I know that not doing what you want to feels like a fire burning you up. It is. You have got to commit yourself to God’s way, and allow the fire to purify you.
With sin, you will either be committed to kill it,
or you will be committed to do it.
God will kill it, but you will have to feel it...
Stay insulated, not isolated, so you will be purified, not just burned.
Nice post JD. Thanks.
Satan can't touch us, but he sure is that same serpent he was in the Garden, isn't he.
He stirs up the lusts of the flesh, and he embeds our proud flesh as well with his half truths.
Resist him, and he will flee. And it's difficult like you say: " I know that not doing what you want to feels like a fire burning you up. It is."
But in the grace of the Savior we can overcome.
Thanks again for all your good teachings. And a Merry Christmas to you and your family.
And Merry Christmas to you and yours, Don...you are a true blessing to the blogosphere...
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