Thursday, November 06, 2008

Yes He Can! (7)

And to the one who does not work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,
(Romans 4:5 – ESV)

We need grace not grit. People think they can stand together and vote for hope but they won’t all get to vote on which measures to take, and some will disagree, and so some will be left out as always. Just getting everyone into agreement that we can do something doesn’t mean we can actually do it. Especially because not everyone who agrees we can do it will agree on HOW to do it. That is and was and always will be the problem, how to do it, not the resolve to do it. Christ has done it, He knew what to do and did it and when we agree with Him we don’t have any more work to do in order to be saved we just work to proclaim it.

They say, “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” well the Bible says He is the one we are waiting for. They say theirs is the message for this time but the Bible declares our message is the message for all time. Yes He can.

People want the world to change, but it can change and often does, but not for the better. So people want the world to change for the better, for the good, but what do they see as good? They all have different ideas and God says none actually seeks for the real good, for the real God, and so they may change the word but it won’t be for the good, it won’t be for the glory of God.

Rallying behind some political movement in the guise of some humanistic spirituality that says, “yes we can”? We need to realize that God says no we can’t; but that doesn’t leave us without hope it turns us to the only real hope. Can we save the world, can we save our children, can we save our own souls – no we can’t. But can God save the world, can God save our children, can God save our souls – yes He can!

If you want the world to change you need to have your world changed. People want the world to change and it will change when the people are changed. Don’t look to the power of people look to the power of God, look to Jesus Christ. Can He change the world? Yes He can. For the redeemed the world has changed and the world will be changed. The question is will you be changed? Do you believe God can change you? Yes He can.

Did Christ pay for our sins? Yes He did. Will God deliver on all of His promises? Yes He will. Can God justify the ungodly and still remain perfectly just, righteous, and holy Himself? Can God have perfect mercy, love, and justice, all at the same time? Yes HE Can!


Even So... said...

This is the seventh in a series of posts derived from the sermon of 3-2-08 titled "Yes HE Can"...

donsands said...

When I see pastors, even self-appointed pastors, align themselves with political persons, it makes me uncomfortable, and angry really.

I believe the Church, and its shepherds, need to proclaim the Gospel, and the truth of the Bible, and then God will bless the Church, and a nation.

"in the guise of some humanistic spirituality that says, “yes we can”?"

"Conservative humanism is just as wrong as liberal humanism". -Fancis Schaeffer

"He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision." Psalm 2:4

Thanks for this series JD. Very edifying, and God glorifying.

Even So... said...

Thank you Don, and I am glad you "get the message"...

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, I agree with your point about politics here. I'm wary as well as weary of both the religious right and left, not to say that abortion as the taking of human life is not a big issue, because it is, and there are other important issues- though I have to admit, I'm not happy with the way they're framed on either side- though maybe I'm being a bit hard on the religious right in regard to the abortion issue, saying that.

I do believe, different from the past, that because Jesus came and that revelation of God in Jesus and through the gospel, I do believe that as salt and light in Jesus, we can make an impact on this present world. Of course until Jesus returns there seems like nearly a gravitational pull towards the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, inherent in this world order in the power of the evil one. But God's kingdom in Jesus has invaded, to make a different community in him.

This I want to see in writings, not only about the vital importance of us individually in our lives, to come to God through Christ, and be changed in him. But along with that to see it in a community sense, so that we see ourselves as no less than Christ's Body in this world, each member not only contributing to the good of the Body, but this Body being in mission in its varied ways, on the earth. Bringing what Christ will perfect and fulfill when he returns. Yes, he'll fulfill somehow, every action of faith prompted by love from the Spirit in the Lord, which we do even now, in this world.

Well, just working out thoughts here. Glad for blogging, because we do so in community and I don't for a moment think I'm above correction or not in need of improvement both in my understanding of the faith, and in my practice of it. That goes without saying, as i just hope I'm growing, etc.........

Even So... said...

God words Ted...thank you very much for your time and thoughtful response...

Indeed, because HE can now we can, as a covenant community we can precipitate great change, and we had ought to because we are told to...of course this is all because of the "new man" (corporate)...the reason we can say yes we can must first be becasue Jesus has changed us, then, together, we can bring the Light and therefor will find on this site much about such things...when in Colossians Paul speaks of the new man, he is speaking of corporate before individual...if we are truly learning to love God we will be learning to love His in summary, can Jesus Christ cause His churtch, his covenant community, the new man in manifestation, to be gathered together as a witness, as salt and light upon a dry and dusty world...Yes HE Can!

Even So... said...


Even So... said...

.But God's kingdom in Jesus has invaded, to make a different community in him.

This I want to see in writings, not only about the vital importance of us individually in our lives, to come to God through Christ, and be changed in him. But along with that to see it in a community sense, so that we see ourselves as no less than Christ's Body in this world, each member not only contributing to the good of the Body, but this Body being in mission in its varied ways, on the earth.

Reading those words again, Ted, made me realize once again how much I agree with them...