Postmodern thought puts forth the idea that says truth is not actually knowable, or certain, or clear. This can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden and chapter 3 of Genesis, where Satan asked Eve, "hath God said?" This of course was a challenge leveled at God's Word. The "Truth War" as it may be called, all began as an assault on God's Word, and we should not be surprised that it continues today, although we are often surprised at the manifestations it takes.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 shows us that truth is paramount in the mind of God, and we are to be doing spiritual warfare, which is a war for truth.
The assaults on God’s Word have changed forms in the last 50 years. It used to be that the idea of biblical inerrancy was on the front lines. Although that is still a battle line, the fire has died down a bit. This will be discussed in a later session.
The next battle line drawn surrounded the idea of the sufficiency of the Bible. Charismatics and others who valued experience over propositional revelation stoked the fires. Again, the battle still rages, and we are still reeling at this level, but the battleground has a new front line in the Truth War. Sufficiency will be addressed at a later session.
Now, instead of inerrancy, sufficiency, or even the authority of scripture being the front burner issue, now it is the clarity of scripture that is being fought for with passion. Can we really know what the scriptures are saying with any real certainty? This topic will be further explored during the later sessions, but for now, Pastor Pixley laid a foundation for us.
In regards to this He took us to 2 Peter 1:1-21, specifically focusing in on verses 16-21. He made two main points.
1) Certainty is built upon historical witness
2) Certainty is embedded in divine revelation
When verse 19 says that we have the prophetic word made more sure, Peter isn’t saying that the experience of Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration makes God’s Word more sure, he is saying, and the Greek grammar bears witness to this, that the Word of God is a more sure word than even that experience they had.
The Bible is indeed the very word of God; it is clear, understandable, and sufficient for all of life and practice. The matters of the soul are to be studied and satisfied with God’s Word as found in the pages of scripture, it is what we need and all we need for sanctification, for teaching, correction, and edification. Stay tuned as we explore the next few sessions together from this wonderful conference. Pray that I may give edifying summaries.
If God came down to earth today and spoke to us. The words He spoke would be no more His words, than the words in the Bible. If you get what I'm saying.
Nice study JD.
Thanks Don, I hope that the other summaries will be beneficial, but those who attended the conference were given handouts for some of the sessions, and believe it or not they are hard to put into words in a blog post, very hard, it seems, to me at least...
I am going to attempt to give the flavor at least, the conference was well done at all points...
I'm not sure if summary is your strong point. Edifying on the other hand...... Hey, stick with your strong points. Stick with what works!
Stay tuned...
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