Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sense and Sensibility

These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
(Jude 19)

The little book of Jude has many important things to say. Those persons and religions who deny Christ as the Son of God, who follow after worldly pleasures or gain, and who would deny the immanency of His second coming are the focus of this powerhouse epistle. Here we see that those who cause needless division, or those who focus upon earthly things as of first import, are those people identified as not having the Spirit of God.

Sensual here does not mean sexual, but denotes someone who is ruled by the senses rather than by a renewed mind according to God’s Word. In other words, their feelings dictate their devotion to God. If they are feeling good, they are all about serving God. If they are feeling down, then forget about it. Such are also tossed about with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14), and take heed to seducing spirits (1 Timothy 4:1).

So-called Christians who do not ground themselves in the Word of God, who are not concerned with contending for their faith, are ripe for a fall. When sensual believers are met with trials or encounter the inevitable pains of life they invariably slip backwards or give up their faith altogether. When experience takes precedence over the Word of God we are in danger of being ruled by feelings rather than by God, and become targets of deception. Are you sensual, or do you have the Spirit?


Even So... said...

What? Did I hurt your feelings?

Anonymous said...

"Ground themselves in the Word of God".........

If the Word of God is left to interpretation by our feelings OR our intellect than it's just like any other book......and makes my faith in the Trinity meaningless. I have enjoyed reading ya'lls commentary but it seems to me there needs to be some "meeting of the minds" with respect to essentials (like the Bible IS God's Word) and I'm not sure we all have that mindset!

What say ya'll??

Even So... said...

The Bible IS God's .02...