Friday, March 07, 2025
Saturday, March 01, 2025
The Ultimate Injustice
Is it right to suffer consequences for doing wrong?
Most people say yes. Still, you might think your finite sins don’t deserve an infinite
punishment. But sin is much worse than you might think. Because you’ve
committed the ultimate injustice. You see, humans and their value are finite, but
God and his value are infinite. And the Bible teaches that ultimately, you’ve
sinned against God. But your finite worth cannot pay for sins against the
ultimate worth of an infinite God. So, this means your guilt never goes away.
And eternal punishment DOES fit the ultimate crime.
Why do you need Jesus? Because only God can pay for sins against God. Jesus is God, and his perfection will be the standard he’ll judge you by. But he can also be your savior. On the cross, he sacrificed himself to pay for your sins and buy your forgiveness. Place your faith in who he is and what he’s done, and you’ll be saved. Otherwise, your punishment will fit your crime.