Saturday, August 31, 2024

Help Me Be Happy

Psalm 37:4 says – Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Sounds like the way to make your dreams come true. But here’s the thing; if you actually delight in God, then the desire of your heart is for him. So, what you get is an increasingly intimate relationship with him.

But that’s the issue, right? Your heart wants what it wants, and you may believe in God, but you want other things, too. I mean, you’ve got to pay your bills, and live your life, right? Delighting in the Lord can’t mean that you do nothing else but religious stuff, can it?

No, delighting in God doesn’t mean you only do “religious stuff.” It means that God is the central focus of your life, and that pleasing him is what pleases you. So, take the truth of Psalm 37:4, and pray like this…

Lord, help me find my happiness in your happiness. In Jesus name. Amen.

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Don’t Let Feelings Rule

Maybe you don’t feel genuine, like you aren’t being authentic, like you’re a hypocrite. You feel illegitimate, immature, inadequate, insincere. And you feel like you’re just “going through the motions,” like you’re “not getting anything out of the things of God,” like you aren’t growing.

What can you do? You can trust what God says he’s done for you, instead of what your feelings say you haven’t done for him. Colossians 1:12-14 says God has forgiven you, delivered you, qualified you, and inherited you.  

Feelings are not your God, or your master. Jesus is. So, don’t let your feelings rule you, train them to serve you. Realize that your redemption doesn’t come from your inside, it comes from God. This is about learning to deny yourself. And learning to walk by faith, not by sight, which also means not by your feelings. This isn’t “fake it till you make it.” This is trusting what God says more than what your feelings say. 

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Are You Born Again?

Let me describe two types of people who are only fooling themselves about their salvation.

The first type are people who claim Jesus. But they don’t live a repentant life. They think they’re repentant because they tell God their sorry. But they’re just sorry for getting caught or suffering consequences. They want to improve, but they don’t really bow the knee to Jesus, they just tip the hat. They acknowledge him, but they don’t serve him. They’re not born again.  

The second type lives a “good, moral, religious life.” But they don’t live a humble life. They think they’re humble because they thank God for “living right.” But they’re counting on that to save them. They try to serve God, and they serve other people, but they think they’re better because they do better. Jesus describes people who do a lot of stuff, but their faith isn’t in him, it’s in them. They’re not born again.   

Are you born again? 

“Living For Today With An Eye For Tomorrow”©