Monday, April 01, 2024

It Isn’t Right

A lot of people are haunted by guilty feelings. Even when you do good now, it doesn’t erase the bad you did then. 

But people say Jesus will pay for your sins. But you still did the bad stuff. And you still feel guilty. And no legitimate court would let someone else pay the death penalty for the guilty person. So, isn’t the whole idea of Christianity wrong to begin with?

No, it isn’t. You see, Jesus is God, and all those bad things you do are ultimately rebellion against him. So, the ultimate penalty you owe is to him. Therefore, Jesus can pay for your sins on the cross and justice be rightly served. It’s not like a human judge letting a guilty person go free while someone else who wasn’t even involved pays the penalty. Instead, God himself paid the penalty for sins against himself by giving himself. 

Let those guilty feelings remind you of your godly hope. Because it’s not that true Christianity is wrong. It’s that a lesser idea about Christianity isn’t right. 

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