Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Seven Things Thingy

I have recently been tagged by Annette and Marcia with the "seven things about me" meme, so here goes...oh yeah, we are going to add a little commentary too....for extra flavor, don't 'cha know...

1. I stand somewhere around 5'2" to 5'3". Perhaps in light of this, I am against all those whom would try and consign people to the scrapheap of life just because they aren't in an ideal situation or if they have made some big mistakes. Even if it is your own rebellious fault, God is in the business of redemption. Show a little grace, pastors and pewpeople...

2. I enjoy watching other people have fun. To sit back at a gathering in a corner somewhere with a good view, and to see all the people enjoying themselves and conversing and whatnot, this is to me a sublime pleasure. I don't like standing in a crowd, however...

3. I enjoy going to see live peformances of classical music. I don't enjoy people who try and be "frontrunners" or "cool" about everything.

4. I used to be quite athletic. Although short of stature, I am very strong, and until the last few years, loved to lift as heavy as I could...I occasionally still wow teenagers by pressing them over my head with one arm...I also was involved in judo early on, and wrestled and ran cross country. Today I enjoy bowling.

5. In elementary school I played the violin, and in middle school and high school I played the trumpet. Today I like to sing at the nursing home.

6. I love pizza. I previously owned several pizza restaurants and worked as a franchise rep for a sizable company. I could still eat it every day (it looks like I do)...

7. When I was in elementary school, our choral group was on the Mike Douglas Show (they were taping at Walt Disney World). They ended the show by focusing on tiny little me for the last few seconds; the funny part is, we sang "It's a Small World" (ironic huh)

Bonus 8th random thing you should know:

8. IMHO, I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world...

I am going to tag Anne-in-grace and Don Sands, as I would like to know a little about them...


jazzycat said...

I can't believe all of yall that wrestled and lift weights. I pole vaulted in high school just a few years after bamboo poles. (O.k. I've had a few birthdays)

Craver Vii said...

Bowling... Underhand or overhand?

Would you believe that I wrestled, too? Seriously. I was only allowed to do two exhibition matches, both of which I lost. During practices, I was the guy people practiced the painful techniques on. Remember the "Ball and Chain?" (muffled cry)

Susan said...

Nice to learn a little about you!

donsands said...

I used to watch The Mike Douglas Show everyday. I remember seeing Mohammed Ali, Tiger Woods, as a small boy, and so many others on that show. So I probably saw you as well.

Halfmom said...

very intersting to learn a little more about you!

Debu's Blog said...


Really....it is intersting to learn not little but tooooo much and more about you...expecting good article rather than this...appreciating...keep blogging...


Anonymous said...


"it is intersting to learn not little but tooooo much and more about you"

I would agree if this style of post were more your normative. But it's not & if we need some meat we can dig in to one of the hundreds of previous posts that will feed our need for depth (like those Sat. sermons- whew!).


Wrestling, weightlifting... bowling?...

Bowling... Underhand or overhand?

You funny guy!

Actually it's more of a shot-put form.

Even So... said...

Thank you all and blessings to all...

ann said...

Point 2 is about me, too...
Pizza-thing sounds appealing ;)

I take up the challenge, be posting on Friday - because you just saved my day by this - Friday is my birthday and this kind of story is most fitting :)

Annette said...

mmm... i like pizza too. that was fun. Good to get to know you a bit better. Puts a bigger face around a man that I respect for what he says. :)

Anonymous said...

Something else you might want to know about JD...he loves and respects his Mom and Dad and brothers and sister-in-law and his nephew. We are blessed that God called him into the ministry.

Marcian said...

Wow, a BONUS thingy. That one was my favourite. Guys, ALWAYS remember to tell your wife she alone is the most beautiful woman in the world, hands down, no competition. Because she is.

Anonymous said...

We are blessed that God called him into the ministry.

and I am blessed to be married to the most wonderful man in the world! I love you, honey!