Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sound Off

For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.
(1 Thessalonians 1:8 – ESV)

The “word of the Lord” here is both subjective and objective, the Lord’s word that He gives to be preached and the word about Him. This word was sounding forth from the Thessalonians. Their lives spoke the testimony of God working. Your faith speaks even when you aren’t able to be there (Romans 1:8). You become the echo of God’s voice. Others see the truth and report it (Matthew 5:16). They see you burn and then they learn, they know you really believe what you say you believe. It is a manifest difference from the lives they lead.

How does the word of the Lord sound out from you? How does your faith sound out? Most want to see the word power in the previous verses and then use that thought to conjure up scenes of healing and miracles and exciting demonstrations. But look what Paul says the power was for, for pressing on despite persecution, for enduring with the enduring word. How does your faith sound out? Is it by carrying placards decrying sins that sinners cannot help but commit? Or does it sound out in sweet melody amidst a world of sorrow, including personal sorrow, yet bearing witness to the marvel of Jesus Christ risen again and living in your hearts?

Is your faith told in mere words or is it lived out in the world? Do people know it just by you saying it, or by their seeing it? Yes we should be saying it, but the only way they will hear it is if they are seeing it too. The life gives credibility to the words. Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life, and the only way they will believe the truth is if they see the life. Do they see the Way in you? Do they see the Truth in you? Do they see the Life in you? Do they see the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus Christ when they see you? Have you been born again?

When unbelievers whom God is calling to be believers see true believers suffering and still having joy in God, it is the wake up call for them that this is real. It is the manifestation of the fact that these Christian people are dead to themselves and alive to God and God raises them from the dead in sin to be alive in Him. Does your faith sound out or do you live your supposedly Christian life with the sound off?


Even So... said...

hmmm...the sound must be off, I cannot hear anyone...

Even So... said...

Speakers must be broken...think about know, commentors, in conviction...oooh, sounds like a post.........